Program Management
Kaisa performs its project management methodology using PMI-based processes and tools. Focusing on implementation projects of ERP solutions, our Project Managers are equipped to handle projects to ensure their delivery on time and within budget.
Multiple projects in a single program are also subjected to a methodical process that promises a streamlined implementation of individual goals but ultimately ends in the priority target.
This complex and tedious orchestration is made possible by a dedicated Program Manager that can go from high-level monitoring to detailed issues discussions.
Business Benefits
- Run business-relevant and effective SAP or Oracle NetSuite system by implementing technology-based solutions through our tested and proven accelerators with quality-assuring processes.
- Execute strategic and operational IT requirements of your business by engaging with our team of consultants specializing in Planning, Scoping, and Implementation services of SAP or Oracle NetSuite Solutions. Our SAP and Oracle NetSuite consultants have expertise in business modeling, data architecture, applications infrastructure, and technical infrastructure.
- Manage complex business operations through tailor-fit enterprise software implemented faster and smoother via methodologies recommended by SAP or Oracle NetSuite.
Key Functions
Risk Management
Risk assessment and an effective mitigation process are essential to successful project completion. It’s impossible to foresee and impractical to plan for all possible problems that may come along during the project. However, a balance between what is realistic and what is the worst scenario makes up for an effective manager.
Problem Resolution
Key to an effective resolution of issues is a pragmatic root cause analysis. When done appropriately, the root cause is addressed to avoid recurrence and magnify the impact of a problem. The solution may not always be obvious.
Direction Setting
It is critical that the goals of the program and projects are clear and understood by the manager. This is the foundation of the manager’s function to steer the other projects. This is also needed to ensure all projects are aligned with the overall objectives.
Status Reporting
The day-to-day monitoring of projects is necessary to ensure that the plan is executed accordingly. Effective execution of the project entails an immediate identification of roadblocks as they happen.